This was presented by a group of AHS students for UNGS 2030.
Allah gives us the instinct of loving delicious foods and drinks
“O you who believe eat of the good things where with we have provide you, and render thanks to Allah if it is (indeed) He whom you worship.” (Surah Al-Baqarah:172)
Maintenance of health
Prevention of diseases
Treatment of diseases
Play role as determinants of chronic NCDs, therefore occupy a prominent position in prevention activities
Rasulullah said:
“The stomach is abode of disease.” And he also said, “…if the stomach is diseased, then the blood vessels end up becoming diseased as well.”
(transmitted by Abu Nu’aim)
Rasulullah s.a.w said, ‘The Tribe of Adam fill no container worse than their own stomachs. Let the Tribe of Adam have a few mouthfuls to strengthen their loins. If possible, one third of the stomach is for food, one third for drink, and one third for one’s breath.
(transmitted by An-Nasai & At-Tirmidhi)
“O the sons of Adam, wear your most beautiful clothes whenever (entering mosques), eat and drink, and be not extravagant, verily He likes not the extravagance”
(Al-A’raf: 31)
The reason for moderation has been clearly stated. The Prophet is reported to have said:
“The stomach is the tank of the body and the veins go down to it. When the stomach is healthy the veins come back in a healthy condition, but when it is in a bad condition, they return diseased.”
In short, believers are advised to always take care of their stomachs and refrain from foods and practices that might pollute the stomach with various diseases. In order to do so the Prophet is reported to have advised believers to always stop eating before their stomachs are completely full i.e. stop eating when the urge to eat more is still present.
A Balanced Diet - Prescribed in the Qur’ân
Al-Quran goes to the extent of giving useful tips regarding a balanced diet, a diet which contains most if not all the useful ingredients required for the growth, strengthening and repairing of the human body. These ingredients include animal protein, fat, calcium, iron, salts, etc.
The importance of meat protein in the human diet
And the cattle, He has created them for you, in them there is warmth (clothing) and numerous benefits, and of them you eat.”
Fish has always been considered as a food of very high protein and is very important for human consumption. Allah says:
“And from them both (fresh and salt water) you eat fresh tender meat (fish).”
The usefulness of fresh milk is stressed in these words
“And verily in the cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between excretion and blood, pure milk, palatable to the drinkers.”
The benefits of fruits as good nourishment can be understood from this verse:
“And from the fruits of date palms and grapes, you desire strong drink and a goodly provision.”
The Etiquette's of Eating and Drinking
Wash their hands before and after
Start eating with the praise of Allah to eat
Using the right hand
Not to eat until they really felt hungry
Not to eat and drink excessively.
By praising and thanking Allah for the food and drink, for making it easy to swallow and for producing an exit for it.
The source of life
70% of human body composed of water
A research by Dr. Masaru Emoto
The arrangement of water molecules can be changed based on what kind of words are said on that water
Certain energy waves will be produced due to these changes, giving positive impacts to the body
Water interacts with the surrounding
The reaction of water with positive environment will produce a beautiful crystal shape to its molecule and otherwise.
Impact on human body
Good spiritual and physical apperance
AL-Quran as the best words
“Allah have made the best words which is Quran…”
(Az-Zumar : 23)
Ponder about it…
Why we not recite Al-Quran constantly everyday?
note : this topic originally was presented by a group my AHS students to fulfil the requirement of UNGSS's coursework as a part of evaluation for such studies.(without amendment).
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