Belief in al-akhirah and its impacts on muslim’s life
Akhirah means life after death. Belief in Akhirah has a profound impact on the life of a believer. We are all accountable to Allah on the Day of Judgement, when we will be judged according to how we lived our lives. A person who obeys and worships Allah will be rewarded with a place of happiness in Paradise; the person who does not will be sent to Hell, a place of punishment and suffering.
Allah knows our every thought and innermost intention; angels are recording all our actions. If we always keeps in mind that we will be judged by our actions, we will try to make sure that we act according to the Will of Allah. Many of today's problems would disappear if we had this awareness and acted accordingly.
Belief in akhirah generates strong determination towards Allah in all circumstances of one's life. He only depends on Allah for everything. He absolutely believes that the Will of Allah cannot be stopped when He says be and it is. He not only emphasizes on the hereafter requirements but also pays full attention to worldly life. This is because he knows reward and sin will be rewarded based on his actions in this world as a bridge to hereafter. Therefore our action must follow all of the regulations which has been stated by the almighty God (Allah s.w.t).
Thus we become as a pious Muslim by performing all the commandments of Allah and refraining the forbidden deeds which shows the taqwa in the sight of Allah. We will consider and play our role as khalifah of Allah in the spirit of amanah by performing the trust in the best manner in order to obtain the pleasure of Allah in this world as well as hereafter.
In conclusion, belief in hereafter makes someone puts the fundamental concept of Tawheed - beleif in reward and punishment or paradise and hell- as a measurement or controller in making decision or doing something of his actions.
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