Tuesday, October 23, 2007

UNGS 2030 : Sample Final Exam Question

International Islamic University Malaysia
Department of General Studies
Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and HumaI1 Sciences
C,urse Title: Islamic Worldview Course Code: UNGS2030
Time: 2 Hours Marks: 40

Instructions to the Candidates:

1. Answer Three Questions Only
2. Question one is compulsory
3. Support your answers with the Quranic Ayat when necessary

Question 1.
The Doctrine of al- Tawhid is comprehensive and addresses issues such as
values, society, and state. Discuss.the above statement in light of the
Islamic worldview.

(14 marks)

Question 2
How far have Secularism and Materialism influenced various aspects of a
Muslim life. Discuss
(13 marks)

Question 3.
Discuss the challenges of globalization faced by the Muslim ummah and
prescribe ways and means to overcome them in light of the Islamic
(13 marks)

Question 4.
Elaborate the impact of the concept of al-Akhirah on Muslim's behavior.
(13 marks)

1 comment:

anwarfauzan said...

Assalamualaikum ya Ustaz..
Just wanna ask, if Ustaz dont mind.
Could Ustaz post sample of answers too?please.it would help us(students of IIU) a lot on answering the final exam that would be coming soon. Some of us really understand about the Islamic worldview.But to answer the question accordingly would be a lil bit hard. By having guides from you,InsyaAllah we could answer the paper correctly and thus score in this subject.
your student....