Wednesday, August 8, 2007

UNGS 2050: Recommended reading - Adab of Marriage

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

Sheikh Muhammad Naasirudden al-Albaani

Topics for reading as follow :
1. The Author's introduction
2. Kindness toward you wife when you wish to enter into her
3. Placing your hand on your wife's head and praying for her
4. The praying of husband and wife together
5. What to say at the time of making love
6. How he should come to her
7. The prohibition of sodomy
8. Making wudhuu' between two acts with one's wife
9. Bathing is perferable
10. The bathing of husband and wife together
11. Making wudhuu' after sex and before sleeping
12. The ruling of this wudhuu'
13. Making tayammum in a state of janaba instead of wudhuu'
14. Bathing before sleeping is preferable
15. The prohibition of sex when she is menstruating
16. The penitence of one who has sex during menses
17. What is permissible when she is on her period
18. When it is allowed to resume sexual activity after menses
19. The lawfulness of coitus interruptus
20. It is preferable not to practise coitus interruptus
21. What the two spouses should intend with their marriage
22. What he should do the morning after his wedding night
23. The house must have a place for bathing
24. The prohibition of spreading bedroom secrets
25. The obligation of a wedding feast
26. The sunnah of a wedding feast
27. Wedding feasts can be given with other than meat
28. Participation of the wealthy in the feast with their wealth

(PDF file)

1 comment:

d'whinx said...

slm ust. sy cm nk ucpkan time kasih bnyk2 coz ust bnyk bg sy kefahaman yg lg jelas ttg islam time ust mengajar. mende2 yg sy angp remeh dlm islam 2 sbnrnya pnjang syarahnya. analogi yg ust bagi cukup simple & buat sy brfikir panjang... sy bersyukur jd student ust. nanti sy nk jd jiran ust kat syurga ALLAH. sy doakan ust terus kuat dlm jln dkwah ust ni, n moga ALLAH lapangkan dada ust dlm stp kerja ust n faqihkan lg kefahaman ust agr ust bleh tunjuk jln utk org cm sy ni...=>